
not very concerned with making this page look fancy, its just a collection of pictures i took in japan. etc.

all of these were taken in october 2019. most notable pictures are the used copy of emerald i found in a game store in osaka; and me laying on the floor of our rental house in kyoto after a several hour train ride. i miss this.

it poured on october 12; my birthday. i wanted breakfast, so i walked down to the family mart around the corner from our rental. i got onigiri. one for now, one for the fridge. i also got a big bag of matcha kit kats and a can of soda. i watched it rain and i played undertale on my nintendo switch. for dinner, i went back to family mart. i dont remember what i got, but it was mostly candy. it was my birthday, i could have sustainable food another time. it rained all night and into the next day.